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Join the Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council!


Come be a voice for your community! We currently have openings. Stakeholders may run to be elected as a board member and/or be appointed to a committee of interest and/or to serve as a HHPNC liaison. Stakeholders may also make proposals to the board.



Anyone who lives, works, studies, worships, or owns property or a business within HHPNC boundaries is a stakeholder. Also included are community interest stakeholders belonging to locally based service organizations meeting specific requirements in Sec. 22.801.1 of the Los Angeles City Charter. See the map of our boundaries here.

Stakeholder Proposals:

(HHPNC Bylaws – Article VIII Section 2) Any Stakeholder may make a proposal for action by the Council at the next regular Board meeting by submitting a written request to the Secretary or during the public comment period of a regular Council meeting. Line of succession if no Secretary is available: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, or the Treasurer. The Secretary shall refer the proposal to a Standing Committee or, at the next regular Council meeting, the Board shall either consider the proposal or create an Ad Hoc Committee to consider the proposal. The Council is required to consider the proposal at a Committee or Board meeting, but is not required to take further action on the proposal. Proposals made under this subsection are subject to the rules regarding reconsideration.


Role of Stakeholder Committee Members:

With the exception of the Executive Committee, up to 4 stakeholders may be appointed to serve on any committee of interest. All committees shall serve as advising bodies that can make recommendations to the board.  Suggestions for committees may come from Stakeholders or from members of the Board, and all such suggestions shall be voted upon by the Board.


Stakeholder Committee Appointment:

Stakeholder committee members shall be appointed to vacancies by the Committee and in the absence of quorum they shall be filled by the Board.  Committee members may continue to serve until they resign or are removed in the same manner in which they were appointed.


Role of HHPNC liaisons:
Designated contact person to attend meetings & help share news from City of Los Angeles elected officials, departments, and even other Neighborhood Councils coalitions working together on particular subject matter.  During the year, agencies will ask EmpowerLA for Liaison contact information for the purpose of sending invitations to meetings or events of interest, to receive feedback, or simply to request help in sharing information with NCs and stakeholders. Your willingness to be that contact person will help your Neighborhood Council improve government responsiveness to your community’s needs. 


HHPNC Liaison appointment:

Interested stakeholders should email the Board at with a letter of interest regarding a liaison role for a particular LA City office or department, NC alliance or coalition.  See list of vacancies here.  HHPNC Liaison’s shall be appointed to vacancies at a General Board meeting by a simple majority Board vote.  Liaisons may continue to serve until they resign or are removed in the same manner in which they were appointed.


Role of Board Members:

The Board consists of 21 volunteer members – 16 Directors and 5 Exec Committee members (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary).  The Director Roles consist of the following:  10 At-Large Board Members; 2 Public Safety Directors, 2 Business Directors, 2 Senior Stakeholder (age 55 + ), 1 Youth Seat (age 14-17), 1 Arts Director, 1 Sustainability Director, 1 Housing Director and 1 Homelessness Director.  More specific details on these roles are listed in our Bylaws.


The Board strongly encourages each council member to participate in a committee and/or serve as a HHPNC liaison for a NC alliance or coalition.  Current committees include Budget & Finance, Rules, Land Use, Outreach, Public Safety, and Environmental.  Ad hoc committees (for a short-term specific issue) have included Arts, Beautification, Culture & Equality, Housing, Renters + Homelessness, Local Business & Economy, and Youth & Education.


Additionally, anyone serving on the Executive Committee will attend an Executive Committee meeting each month prior to the regular Board meeting, with the primary purpose being of reviewing and setting the Board meeting agenda.

Per our Bylaws, we have an attendance policy for board members: any Board Member who misses (3) regularly scheduled consecutive Neighborhood Council Governing Board Meetings or four (4) total Governing Board meetings during any twelve (12) month period may be at risk for removal from the Board through Board action.


DONE Video

2023-2025 TERM

For any elected or appointed board member, the term on the HHPNC will run through the end of June 2025.  The 2025-2027 term will begin July 2025.



Candidates must complete an application and provide proof of stakeholder status.  After confirmation of stakeholder status, the candidate will either be included on the ballot for election (in an election year) or be considered for appointment to a vacancy by the Board. 

Election years:

Candidates will have the opportunity to submit a photo and statement to be published in the ballot.  They may also be invited to speak at a forum for candidates at a General Board meeting to answer questions from the public.  They will be elected by a simple majority stakeholder vote officiated by the Los Angeles Office of the City Clerk.

Vacancy Appointments:

Candidates will have an opportunity to give a 1-2 minute presentation at a board meeting where vacancy appointments are agendized.  Both current Board members and the general public attending the meeting are given the opportunity to ask the candidate questions and the appointment is determined by a simple majority Board member vote.

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